Connecting NFTs From OpenSea and CoinMarketCap
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

If you purchased an NFT from OpenSea, or received an NFT from CoinMarketCap, please take the following steps to ensure you collect your rewards.

Step 1: Add NFT To MetaMask

Please make sure that your NFT is stored in MetaMask. We are working on integrating with other Web3.0 Wallets, but currently MetaMask is the only supported wallet.

To download MetaMask, please go to their download page here.

Step 2: Ensure You Install The Polygon Network

Most of our NFTs are hosted on Polygon, so please add the Polygon Network to your MetaMask. This is completely free and only takes a minute.

Step 3: Connect your MetaMask wallet to your PipeFlare Profile

Head over to the Daily Rewards page and scroll down to the “Connect MetaMask” button.

Once you connect your wallet, you will see a confirmation like this:

Step 4: Refresh The Page

Refresh the page and check your “My Power-Ups” Section. Your NFT should appear here.

If you have further questions, please join our Discord Server and post in the “Support” chat.

